Zetafence management services are designed to be deployed anywhere, including the following options. This enables enterprises to deploy based on risk assessments, and data locality preferences.

For deployment, please contact us.

Local host services

Using docker-compose to run API services and databases on localhost, VM, etc.

Kubernetes Cluster

Using typical Kubernetes YAMLs to deploy services on a namespace.

Enterprise Cloud Deployment

API Services

Terraform scripts Container images YAML config for env variable Certificates configured Ports exposed

Mongo DB config

Default DB name admin user/password Ports exposed

Obtaining Zetafence CLI to interact with management

curl -ks https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zetafence/zetacli/main/zetacli \
    -o zetacli
chmod +x zetacli

Access Keys & Access Passwords

Zetafence Discovery Agents can be deployed as Docker or Kubernetes engines. Agents require access to public cloud access keys, and secret keys. These will be provided as part of behavioral profile on management console. Such access keys are always stored encrypted in the database.

When starting Discovery Agents, appropriate behavioral profile name should be chosen in arguments.

Super-Admin Organization

When Zetafence API server is started, a superadmin organization parameter is expected. This top-level root organization acts as a bootstrap entity when interacting with DB, and creates other organizations, groups, and API artifacts.